Getting acquainted

Welcome! Let’s begin by getting acquainted. What brings us here?

Teaching section

Through the course of nine meetings together, we’ll be looking at the foundations of Christianity, answering the question, What does it mean to be a Christian? To lay a foundation, let’s consider four preliminary questions, answering each from the Bible, which is the handbook of Christianity that we’ll be using each time we meet.

What is Christianity?

There is great confusion here. It is not a religion, but a revelation and a rescue. It sets out to reveal to us what God is like —Creator (Genesis 1:1), holy (Isaiah 6:3), and most fundamentally, love (1 John 4:8). It shows us the great lengths God is willing to go to rescue us (John 3:16; Mark 10:22-34). Christianity is not a matter of church-going, ceremonies, creeds or conduct, though it embraces all four. Christianity is Jesus Christ.

Who is Jesus Christ?

He is a human, like us. He was born, lived, suffered and died—very human. But he was more-than-human. He was, as his name Jesus means, “God to the rescue” (Matthew 1:21). He was the fulfillment of all God had been showing his people Israel for centuries (Hebrews 1:1-4). He is God’s “Word,” his message to us in the terms of a human life (John 1:1-4, 14, 18).

What did he come for?

To liberate us from the mess we had gotten ourselves into. The Bible is frank about our sinfulness (Romans 3:23; Jeremiah 17:9). All humans have the disease of sin or self-centeredness. It spoils lives, imposes bondage, alienates us from God, and will be fatal if it is not dealt with (John 8:34; Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:1-2). Jesus’ death on the cross dealt with the guilt of sin (1 Peter 3:18). His rising from the tomb released the endless power of his Spirit to come and live in the lives of believers (Philippians 4:13, 19).

How do I get in touch?

If we want a relationship restored, there are four steps we need to take. As simple as ABCD — but tough to take:

A: There is something to admit: that I am not in touch with Jesus Christ, that I am on my own self-centered path, and that I need a radical change in the way I think—a change that the Bible calls repentance. What is more, I need a new power to break the chains of all selfishness.

B: There is something to believe: that God cares enough about me to come and find me. He did it by coming to this earth, by dying on the cross to take responsibility for my wrong deeds, and by rising again to a new life that he is willing to share with me.

C: There is something to consider: the cost of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33). It will involve putting Jesus first in my life, not being ashamed to be known as his follower, and allowing him to get to work cleaning up our lives. We will need to spend time regularly with him and with his followers.

D: There is something to do: to invite this risen Jesus Christ to come and inhabit the life he made, and for which he died (Revelation 3:20). If we ask him in, he will come. He has promised. Until then, though he is with us, we remain out of touch with him.

There are three sides to becoming a Christian: the believing side (faith), the belonging side (baptism), and the divine side (welcoming his Spirit into our lives). Note Romans 8:9 —you are a Christian only when the Holy Spirit has been welcomed aboard. When better to begin, than right away? There is no middle ground in allegiance to Jesus Christ. It’s a powerful either/or (Ephesians 2:1; Matthew 7:24-27; 25:46; 1 John 5:12).

Verse to learn

Learn Revelation 3:20: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”

Bible study section

The Bible passage for study is Luke 19:1-10.

  1. Why do you think Zacchaeus felt the need to meet Jesus? Why do we?
  2. Why did Jesus bother about Zacchaeus? How long do you think it was since anyone had gone to dinner with Zacchaeus?
  3. Did Zacchaeus have to straighten up his life before Jesus would enter his home?
  4. What does Jesus bring when he comes into someone’s life?
  5. What difference did Jesus’ visit make to Zacchaeus?

Prayer time

Lead the group in a prayer about this course and its members.

