My name is Chloe, I am twenty-one years old and I am from Piedmont, Oklahoma. I married my High School sweetheart in March of this year! This August, I will be attending the University of Central Oklahoma’s Masters in Counseling Program in. I plan to use my degree to become a Licensed Professional Counselor.
My Husband and I have loved living in our new Surrey home and have been very blessed with some wonderful neighbors. I have continued serving on our Love Avenue Team, Praise and Worship team and in GC Surrey Hills Children’s Ministry. These wonderful programs have encouraged me to be an active member of my community.
In the past few months, I have created a Media Team, which is an incredible blessing to our church. Our Media Team has gone from a one woman show to a 6-person team and I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to lead this team! I have also completed my Avenue rotations and have now returned to Hope as my focus Avenue! I am so excited to be back with our Hope Avenue Team and I am looking forward to the ways God will use our team this year!
As a part of the Program, I am asked to fundraise a portion of my salary. My fundraising goal for 2024 is $5,000. If you feel compelled to give toward my goal, you can give one time or monthly. No gift is too large or too small, and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate you and thank you all so much! I will be sending quarterly updates to all my financial supporters. I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported me in the past year! The support I received from my GCI family means so much to me!
With Love,
Chloe Foister
Intern, Grace Communion International