(nurture believers)

As people understand the gospel and experience the truth that God, through Jesus, by the Spirit, has included them in his love and life, they begin to see God and themselves in a new light—they begin to believe. The Spirit leads disciple-making churches to nurture believers.

Believers are nurtured in and through the church in multiple ways—a primary one involves teaching new believers the basics of the Christian faith. Here are recommended resources to use:

In addition to teaching the basics of the Christian faith, disciple-making churches address the following key issues related to nurturing believers (click on the link to jump to that topic):

Believers are nurtured as they gather with the church to worship the Lord. This corporate worship occurs in several ways: the weekly worship service, small group gatherings, youth ministry meetings, etc. Here are recommended resources for churches to use in this aspect of nurturing believers:
Believers are nurtured in connect group gatherings where there is a transformative environment of intimacy and accountability. In these settings believers share worship, mutual edification and the study of Scripture. Here are recommended resources for churches to use in this aspect of nurturing believers:

For believers to be nurtured in God’s truth, those who teach them must develop competency in preaching and teaching. Here are recommended resources to help them do so:
Believers mature as they become faithful stewards of their entire lives, including their time, talent (natural and spiritual gifts) and treasure (financial resources). Disciple-making churches both model and teach whole-life stewardship. Here are recommended resources to help them do so: